Templates and stylesheets

The demo’s templates and stylesheets are designed to function in a variety of environments, so you can copy them to your application as a starting point. The following files are included:

  • A home page, akhet_demo/templates/index.html
  • A site template, akhet_demo/templates/site.html
  • A stylesheet, akhet_demo/static/stylesheets/default.css
  • A “reset” stylesheet, akhet_demo/static/stylesheets/reset.css

The HTML files are Mako templates. The stylesheets are static files.


This is a page template, so it contains only the unique parts of this page. The first three lines are Mako constructs:

 <%inherit file="/site.html" />
 <%def name="title()">Hello, ${project}!</%def>
 <%def name="ht_title()">${project}</%def>

Line 1 makes the template inherit from the site template, which will add the site’s header and footer. Lines 2 and 3 are Mako methods. They output the body title (the <h1> at the top of the page) and the head title (the <title> tag) respectively. Mako templates and methods are not literally Python classes and methods – they compile to modules and functions respectively – but Mako treats them in a way that’s similar to classes and methods.

The “${varname}” syntax is a placeholder which will output the named variable. Template variables can come from several sources: (1) keys in the view’s return dict, (2) template globals specified in akhet_demo/subscribers.py, (3) local variables defined in the template, (4) built-in Mako variables like self.

The rest of the file is a big chunk of HTML that will be plugged into the site template. Mako implicitly puts this chunk in a method named “body”, which can be called from other templates as we’ll see in a moment.

Site template

The site template contains the “complete” HTML document, with placeholders to plug in content from the page template. The most important placeholder here is “${self.body()}”, which outputs the body of the highest-level template in the inheritance chain.

Note the difference between calling “${body()}” and “${self.body()}”. The former calls a <%def> method defined in the same template. The latter calls the highest-level <%def> method with that name in the inheritance chain, which may be in a different template.

The site template also calls “self.title()” and “self.ht_title()”, and defines default implementations for these methods. The default body title outputs nothing (resulting in an empty title); the default head title is whatever the body title returns. So you can just define a “title” in your pages and forget about “ht_title” if it’s the same. But there are times when you’ll want to make them different:

  • When the body title contains embedded HTML tags like <em>. The head title can’t contain these because it will display them literally rather than changing the font.
  • Sometimes the body title is too wordy for the head title.
  • Many sites want the site’s name in the head title. A general rule of thumb is “Short Page Title &emdash; Site Name”. Or if you’re part of a large organization: “Short Page Title | Site Name | Organization Name”. Search engines pay special attention to the head title, so it should contain all the essential words that describe the page, and it should be less than sixty or so characters so it can be displayed in a variety of contexts.

The other kind of placeholder in the site template is “${url.app}”, which is used to form static URLs like “${url.app}/stylesheets.default.css”. “url” is the URL generator, which the subscriber puts into the template namespace. “url.app” is the application’s URL prefix. This is normally empty for a top-level application mounted at “/”. But if the application is mounted at a sub-URL like “/site1”, that will be what “url.app” is set to.

Normally you’d generate URLs by route name, such as “${url(‘home’)}” or its full form “${url.route(‘home’)}”. But static URLs don’t have a route name, and the URL generator does not have a static method (although you can define one in a subclass). So we’re left with literal URLs relative to the application prefix.

The template displays flash messages, which a view may have pushed into the session before redirecting. The code for this is:

<div id="content">
<div id="flash-messages">
% for message in request.session.pop_flash():
    <div class="info">${message}</div>
% endfor

The stylesheet displays it all pretty-like.

Reset stylesheet

This is an industry-standard reset stylesheet by Eric Meyer, which is in the public domain. The original site is http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ . It resets all the tag styles to be consistent across browsers.

The top part of the page is Meyer’s original stylesheet; the bottom contains some overrides. Meyers does remove some attributes which have generally been assumed to be intrinsic to the tag, such as margins around <p> and <h*>. His reasoning is that you should start with nothing and consciously re-add the styles you want. Some people may find this attitude to be overkill. The reset stylesheet is just provided as a service if you want to use it. In any case, I have re-added some expected styles, and also set <dt> to boldface which is a pet peeve of mine.

If you want something with more bells and whistles, some Pyramid developers recommend HTML5 Boilerplate. It’s also based on Meyer’s stylesheet.

We’re exploring stylesheet compilers like Less, but this version of the demo does not include one.

Default stylesheet

This is the stylesheet referenced in the page template; it inherits the reset stylesheet. It defines some styles the default home page needs. You’ll probably want to adjust them for your layout.

The bottom section has styles for flash messages. The ”.info” stanza is used by the demo. The ”.warning” and ”.error” styles are not used by the demo but are provided as extras.

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